Starting a YouTube Channel

Hello Fellow Readers,

I have something really exciting that I would like to share with you, I know I have already given it away in the title of the post, but it’s true. I would like to start working on my own YouTube channel this year,

This is something that I have been contemplating doing for about a year now. I had planned to wait until my blog had become more popular or even more noticed  from other fellow bloggers, but I then thought, why not work on it alongside my blog. I mean, I would be uploading blog posts and videos. The only problem I have, is the ideas I have for videos are based off of my blog, so if I posted a blog post of, I don’t know, monthly favourites, then uploaded a video on it, one is going to be disregarded, in a sense, as they are duplicates, it is just that one is spoken and one is written. What do you think? Please let me know.

I do not want to be using other people’s ideas, as there are very tight gaps in the market in regards to YouTube. I feel that there are a lot of people vlogging and daily vlogging and there is nothing to work on really, apart from documenting your life, which I suppose could be a USP in a way, as you are the only you in the world. You are not following anyone else, you are just being you. I am aware that there are tags that you can follow. For example, the sibling tag or my partner does my make up.

I could most likely see myself as a booktuber, as I am a reader. I am also a mother, so I am very reluctant to do daily vlogs, as I do not want my daughter being exposed online. I have no issues with others doing it, it is just my own personal preference. I am not digging at or judging anybody. I love seeing children on vlogs, I just do not feel comfortable myself exposing my daughter online. I enjoy watching the Sacconejoly’s children, Tammy Hembrow’s children and Kyra and Oscar’s little son Levi, they are all so adorable, but my personal preference is my personal preference and it will not change.

There are many reasons I have been putting this off for so long and that is because:

  1. I am very camera shy and do not feel comfortable in front of a camera
  2. I do not know how to edit, (which is obviously essential)
  3. I do not think I’d be very good at it

I know a lot of you will be reading the first point and thinking, well, why is she wanting to do this then and my answer to that is that I would like to become an inspiration to people and help others, and also, I would like to work from home.

Considering I studied Media studies at GCSE Level and have half a diploma in Media Studies you would think that I know how to edit, but to tell you the truth I do not. I know it is something you would learn over time, which also applies to point three, you will become better at it, after so long, as you get into it, you become more comfortable and know what you are doing.

There are many youtubers that I watch, that helped me with my decision, but they also made it harder as they vary in their subjects, which makes it harder for me to think of ideas that they haven’t already covered. For example; Zoella is a beauty and lifestyle youtuber, Haileyinbookland is a booktuber who talks you through books and reviews them, then there is OKBaby, who I haven’t long come across who document theirs and their son , Levi’s life, which essentially is a family thing. Do any of you know where I am coming from? There are so many areas covered, it is very difficult to know where to start.

I honestly feel I would enjoy this, but I am absolutely terrified that I’ll be judged or that I’m copying other people’s ideas. My aim is to just inspire people by sharing with you my experiences, as well as things I am interested in.

Please, if anybody has any tips on how to start a YouTube channel and how to go about it, then please let me know in the comments, I would really appreciate the help and support.

I really hope you enjoyed reading this and let me know what you think in the comments.

Thank you so much for reading.



Published by themumwhoread

I am loving working with so many wonderful Indie Authors and helping promote their fantastic books.

6 thoughts on “Starting a YouTube Channel

  1. I’ve started my very own YouTube channel alongside my blog just at the start of this month, and so far most things have been duplicates – I did a video about makeup and then I wrote a blog post about it; I did a book review on YouTube and then I did a blog post on it. The thing is – for me, at least – that writing a blog post allows you go to a little bit more in depth. Personally I don’t see a problem with “doing the same thing twice”. Usually the people who read your blog won’t be the same people who watch your videos – especially in the beginning! I am planning on doing some things on my video channel that wouldn’t really work on my blog and vice versa, though. But you just have to do what you’re comfortable with! Also, don’t worry too much about what has already been done and what hasn’t been done yet – the most important part is that you enjoy the content you make. People will notice and it’ll already make your videos unique to others – simply because it’s you doing it and there’s no one like you out there. I know it’s a big leap (I had been contemplating starting my own channel for years before I actually went and did it), but I say: just take the plunge. If you end up not liking it as much as you thought you would, you can always quit whenever you want! Good luck.


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  2. That’s a great idea I always wanted to do a YouTube channel but just not had the confidence but u should always believe in yourself and don’t ever wait do what u want and what u believe in ! Watching other videos really helped me look more into doing videos, do what u feels right and I hope it works out for u! 🙂

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